Yes, just another web site

Where did this crazy name come from?

The origins of Nerdherders goes back to the distant and misty past when Windows 95 was released. In those days there was no online downloading and one made the trek to a local Retailer to obtain media, in this case Future Shop (now defunct). The store had extra staff on release day directing (herding) us Software enthusiasts (Nerds) to the Windows 95 display, thus —Nerdherders.    

So what does Nerdherders do?

I was involved with computer consulting for a number of years and the name “Nerdherders” was a logical choice for the business although I have scaled down somewhat since I retired. I now enjoy the the fruits of my golden years which means  a never ending honey do list and a promotion to domestic engineer/sous chef (mostly washing dishes).    

The remainder of the site is for subscribers only – you know who you are.